API Documentation

Tables (neurobooth_terra):

Table(table_id, conn[, cursor, primary_key])

Table class that is a wrapper around Postgres SQL table.

create_table(table_id, conn, column_names, …)

Create a table.

drop_table(table_id, conn)

Drop table.


List the table_ids in the database.

query(conn, sql_query, column_names)

Transform a SELECT query into a pandas dataframe

Redcap (neurobooth_terra.redcap)

These are general redcap functions.

fetch_survey(project, survey_name, survey_id)

Get schema of table from redcap

dataframe_to_tuple(df, df_columns[, …])

Extract pandas dataframe into tuples for ingestion in Postgres.

rename_subject_ids(table_subject, redcap_df)

Rename subject_id in table_subject using data in redcap_df.

Data dictionary

These are functions related to processing data dictionary


Extract the field annotation and create new columns for them


Create new columns mapping Redcap data types to Postgres and Python.


Add response array dictionary mapping answer choices to answer text.

get_tables_structure(metadata[, include_surveys])

Get the column names and datatypes for the tables.

subselect_table_structure(table_info, df_cols)

Subselect columns that are in the report.

Data flow

write_file(sensor_file_table, db_table, fname)

Write a file.

transfer_files(src_dir, dest_dir, db_table, …)

Transfer files using rsync.

delete_files(db_table, target_dir, …[, …])

Delete files if x% of disk is filled.